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Shoprythm Hair Care DIY Essential Oil Shampoo DIY For Dandruff with Essential Oil

About this Item

  • In this DIY Kit of creating an effective shampoo using essential oils – you will get six products.
  • There are 3 essential oils, and along with the oils, you will receive an empty bottle, a multi-purpose pouch, and a baker to measure appropriately.
  • This essential oil shampoo DIY for dandruff tells how to make your shampoo potent and effective from hair damage (hair fall, dandruff, and other issues).
  • All these Essential oil hair growth recipes are best for several aspects of hair care.
Salvia Hair Care DIY Essential oil DIY for Head Massage with Coconut Oil

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  • There are three products – Jojoba oil, Rosemary essential oil, Lavender oil.
  • In this DIY Kit of head massage oil for hair care and relieving stress and tension.
  • In this kit, you will get six products. Out of which, two are essential oil and the third –a carrier/base oil.
  • You will receive an empty bottle, a multi-purpose pouch, and a beaker to measure well along with the oils.
  • These three oils are known as the best homemade massage oil that promotes hair growth, reduces dandruff, and relieves stress, and gives relaxation.
Shoprythm Hair Care DIY Essential Oils DIY for Dandruff with Coconut Oil

About this Item

  • In this DIY Kit of homemade hair oil for dandruff using the essential and carrier oils.
  • It contains six products. Out of which, two are essential oil and the third –a carrier/base oil.
  • It also contains an empty bottle, a multi-purpose pouch, and a beaker to measure well along with the oils.
  • This DIY oil for dandruff is considered to be one of the most potent DIY blend eradicating the dandruff issue.
Shoprythm Hair Care DIY Essential Oil DIY for Hair growth and Hair Stimulation

About this Item

  • This Essential Oil DIY Kit of hair oil for hair stimulation, growth, and health.
  • There are six products. Out of which, two are essential oil, and the third –a carrier/base oil.
  • An empty bottle, a multi-purpose pouch, and a baker to measure well along with the oils.
  • These three oils promote hair growth, improves blood circulation throughout the scalp, and gives a shiny appearance to the hair.
  • Sweet almond oil is base oil and reduces dry, flaky scalp.
Shoprythm Hair Care DIY Essential Oil DIY for Hair Growth as Hair Serum

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  • In this DIY kit, you will get Castor oil as base oil, Rosemary Essential Oil- one of the best essential oil hair growth recipes.
  • One beaker, an empty bottle, and a Shoprythm multi-purpose pouch.
  • This is the DIY hair serum with essential oils creating a natural hair growth serum.
  • It is best for hair growth, preventing hair fall, and improving hair texture.
  • DIY Rosemary Essential oil for hair growth.
Salvia Hair Care DIY Essential Oil DIY to Create Natural Shampoo for Hairloss

About this Item

  • In this DIY kit, you will get three products – Jojoba oil, Rosemary essential oil, Lavender oil.
  • These three oils enhance the beauty of the hair and give a shiny appearance.
  • Jojoba oil is base oil, and to get an effective result, this oil is mixed with undiluted essential oil. Jojoba oil is considered to be the best oil for hair growth. It also promotes hair Thickness.
  • Rosemary Essential Oil – Rosemary essential oil is known for its many qualities. It promotes hair growth by preventing hair loss. This oil soothes the inflamed scalp.
Shoprythm Hair Care DIY Essential Oils DIY Eczema/Psoriasis of the Scalp

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  • You will get seven products in this DIY Kit for managing Eczema and Psoriasis on the scalp. Out of which three are essential oils, and the fourth is carrier/base oil. You will receive an empty bottle, a multi-purpose pouch, and a baker to measure well along with the oils.
  • These oils promote hair growth, improve blood circulation throughout the scalp, and treat Eczema and Psoriasis on the hair scalp. These are some best essential oils for eczema recipes.
  • This DIY eczema treatment treats the hair scalp issue; such as Eczema or Psoriasis
  • It gives strength to the hair scalp, and this DIY for Eczema is the best one for solving the issue of Eczema and Psoriasis on the hair scalp.
  • This kit of Essential oils for Eczema reduces dryness and other scalp condition.
Shoprythm Hair Care DIY Essential oil DIY for making Natural Hair Conditioner

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  • In this DIY Kit of natural hair conditioner – you will get eight products. Out of which, two are essential oil, and Aloe Vera gel, cocoa butter, and coconut oil. You will receive an empty bottle, a multi-purpose pouch, and a baker to measure well along with these items.
  • This homemade conditioner takes care of hair root and is the matchless natural hair conditioner.
  • This DIY deep conditioner prevents hair loss.
  • Best DIY deep conditioner for natural hair.